Hangfit & ClimbaYoga Classes

What and when are the classes?


ClimbaYoga is a Vinyasa style yoga class with assisted alignment and a focus on stretching, conditioning and strengthening your body for rock climbing. It’s run by local climber Rachel Lin and resident yogi Amelia Nott. Classes are for all levels of experience and fitness.


HangFit is a fitness class designed to condition your body for climbing as well maintain general fitness. Run by Amelia Nott, the classes are a combination of strength, yoga and pilates that will get you strong and agile. You will be working on your antagonist muscle group and strengthening your core which in turn will aid your climbing. Classes are for all levels of fitness.


ClimbaMobility is a class designed to condition your body for climbing through improving your mobility in key areas and preventing injury with the right strengthening exercises. Run by route setter and physiotherapist Alana, plus resident yogi Amelia, these classes are a combination of building antagonist muscle groups, core exercises and strengthening ranges of motion to improve your climbing.

Classes Schedule